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Sea Turtle Biology


Green sea turtles

Status: Endangered

Green turtles are distributed worldwide, nesting on sandy beaches

The carapace of green turtles ranges from olive brown to black. The name of the green sea turtle derives from the colour of their fat rather than any external characteristics. Adult females have a curved carapace length of 107cm and can weigh over 150kg.


Green turtles feed almost exclusively on sea grass when it's available, and alternatively feed on sea weeds and algae.

The green turtle is the turtle that is most favoured for eating. This was a common practice in historical times but is less common now with the protection of turtles under international legislations.



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An excellent reference on sea turtle ecology is presented in "Sea Turtles: An Ecological Guide" by David Culko and Karen Eckert (2003). To purchase this book please look at our merchandise page.


© 2006.   Last updated February 2012

AusTurtle Inc.
PO Box 34u, Charles Darwin University, NT 0815 Australia
Email: [email protected]