PO Box 34 U
Charles Darwin University
NT 0815 Australia

Email: [email protected]
Promoting Sea Turtle Research & Conservation

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AusTurtle Inc Meetings

Upcoming Annual General Meeting

We encourage all members to attend our upcoming annual general meeting. We hope for more people actively supporting the organisation in the upcoming year. Please come and bring anyone along who is interested in joining AusTurtle.

Our AGM will be held at the meeting room of

To be announced

The order of business for the AGM is as follows:
   (a) first – the consideration of the accounts and reports of the Committee;
   (b) second – the election of new committee members;
   (c) third – any other business requiring consideration by the Association at the meeting.

As stated in our constitution anyone wanting to nominate for a position must notify the secretary (Nirmala Nath) 7 days before the meeting. Nominations for all positions will be accepted. We just need a note stating your willingness to stand for election. Please email this to [email protected]

The committee consists of:
   Vice President
   Promotions officer
   Membership officer

Hope to see you at the meeting.



© 2006.   Last updated February 2012

AusTurtle Inc.
PO Box 34u, Charles Darwin University, NT 0815 Australia
Email: [email protected]