Flatback sea turtles
Status: Data deficient
Flatback sea turtles
are the only species of turtles endemic to one
country (Australia). They occur throughout
northern Australia nesting on tropical and
sub-tropical beaches.
Flatback turtles are characterised
by their low domed grey-green carapace with
reflex margins. Adult females have an average
curved carapace length of around 92cm and
weight of 90kg.
Flatback turtles are mostly
carnivorous feeding on jellyfish, sea
cucumbers, sea pens and soft corals.

Flatback hatchlings are the largest
of the Cheloniidae turtle species measuring
approx. 6cm in carapace length and weighing
43g. Consequently the adult flatback turtles
have a smaller clutch size than other species,
laying only 50 eggs.