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Sea Turtle Biology


Kemps Ridley sea turtles

Status: Critically Endangered

The Kemps Ridley is the rarest of all sea turtles with their distribution largely confined to the Gulf of Mexico where 95% of their nesting occurs on a single beach on the east coast of Mexico.

Kemps ridleys feed primarily on crustaceans and molluscs and live in areas with muddy or sandy bottoms.

Kemps ridley turtles are relatively small, averaging 66cm in curved carapace length and weighing only 30 to 45kgs.

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An excellent reference on sea turtle ecology is presented in "Sea Turtles: An Ecological Guide" by David Culko and Karen Eckert (2003). To purchase this book please look at our merchandise page.


© 2006.   Last updated February 2012

AusTurtle Inc.
PO Box 34u, Charles Darwin University, NT 0815 Australia
Email: austurtle@austurtle.org.au